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Sensitive digestion

Tips for feeding sensitive dog stomachs

Does your dog have sensitive digestion or even digestive problems? This can have many different causes, which is why it is unfortunately not possible to make a general recommendation. However, the following tips can help you feed your dog.

What is sensitive digestion?

Digestive problems usually manifest themselves in mushy droppings, including diarrhea, a bloated stomach, vomiting or abdominal pain. Reasons can be: feed envy, stress, gastrointestinal in fections, liver or kidney diseases, pancreas weakness, feed allergies, feed intolerance , motility disorders (disorders of gastrointestinal activity), malformat ions in the digestive tract, intestinal obstruction or foreign bodies, Poisoning or tumor diseases are rarely the cause. You see, the range of possible reasons is wide. Therefore, if you have digestive problems, it is recommended that you consult your veterinarian, Especially if the health of relatively young and older dogs is disturbed by digestive problems, it is important to have them examined by a veterinarian.

The feed conversion

If your veterinarian has already ruled out a serious illness as the cause of your dog's indigestion, it is a good frst step to switch your dog, which is sensitive to digestion, to a particularly digestible food. Ideally, you should change your food over several days so that your dog's organism can adapt to the new food and the possibly very different formula. In the case of young, older, sick or digestive sensitive dogs, it is even advisable to change the food very gently over a period of two weeks. In the meantime, you can always mix a little more of the new food with the usual food with each meal and slowly reduce the old food accordingly.

Expert advice is important when choosing the right dog food so that your dog's digestion can be adequately supported. Happy Dog Sensitive New Zealand or Mini New Zealand , for example, offer themselves as food for dogs that are sensitive to digestion.

High digestibility

High digestibility is especially important for sensitive animals. This ensures that the nutrients in the food can be easily absorbed by the body and are available for the metabolic processes without complex digestion and conversion processes, The higher the digestibility, the less metabolic end products remain as "waste" that could put a strain on your dog's body.

Signs of high digestibility are:

  • small feed ration required
  • small amount of feces
  • good fecal consistency

The Happy Dog products are highly digestible and therefore easy to digest, However, digestibility depends not only on the type and quality of the food, but also on the individual factors of the dog. If your dog is quite nervous or a little older, the digestibility of a feed can decrease due to the intest inal passage being too rapid or the digestive organs deteriorating.

General tips

When you have found a suitable food for your dog, it is best to keep it. The unnecessary changing of dog food is poorly tolerated for sensitive digestion. The same applies to treats: You are welcome to feed well-tolerated snacks in moderation. Experimenting with different varieties is not recom mended, as this can also mess up the digestion.