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Original Euipment for puppy

A dog is moving in with you. Full of anticipation, you are probably wondering what equipment your new family member needs ...

We have created a lot of tips and a checklist for you so that you don't forget anything about the initial equipment for your puppy.

Getting ready for the big day

Should a puppy soon enrich your life, the anticipation is certainly huge. But at the same time you are probably wondering what a puppy needs. So that he can get used to his new home as easily as possible, you should get everything in good time. An important utensil is quickly forgotten or turns out to be impractical. Therefore, we have not only created a checklist for you, but also give you a lot of tips on what should be considered when buying the initial equipment for a puppy.

Transport of the dog

When driving from the breeder or an animal shelter to your home, it is an advantage to have someone with you. She can take care of the puppy, calm him down or, if necessary, eliminate a mishap that is to be expected when driving. If you pick up the puppy on your own, you should be well prepared, because a dog running around can quickly become a distraction. In Germany it is mandatory to secure a load (including dogs) in such a way that it cannot slip, fall over or roll back and forth even in the event of an emergency stop or sudden evasive movement. To meet this requirement, it is best to put your puppy in a transport box. Most practical is a well-secured box that allows the dog to stand in it and turn around. It comes especially with large, Heavy dogs are used for which a belt does not offer sufficient protection. Because of its weight, it would snap if you hit the brakes. Small and medium-sized dogs, on the other hand, can be strapped into the back seat. It is advisable to use a harness for this, because a collar would choke the dog in an accident.

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Collar, leash and harness

The equipment for a puppy should fit right from the start, because negative experiences could reduce acceptance. This can happen, for example, if the collar is too tight, the leash is too heavy or the harness is unsuitable. Of course, you can also include the look in your purchase decision, but more important are functionality and comfort. Puppies grow very quickly, so it makes sense if both the collar and harness are adjustable in size. Check and change the setting regularly so that nothing presses. As soon as the dog is fully grown, most owners buy their four-legged friend new equipment. Think about whether you want to opt for a standard leash or a retractable leash. Most dog trainers recommend a standard leash, Because with retractable leashes, walking (loosely) on the leash is usually more difficult because the length changes constantly and the dog cannot adjust to it. In addition, it happens again and again that retractable leashes become a tripping hazard.

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The matching bowls

Every dog ??needs both a drinking bowl and a feeding bowl. Since the durability of plastic bowls compared to stainless steel and ceramics is lower and they are also harder to clean, you should better avoid plastic. It is important that the weight is high enough so that the bowls do not slip.

Dog bed or dog basket?

Bez?glich der Erstausstattung f?r deinen Welpen kannst du entscheiden, was dir sympathischer ist: Hundebett oder Hundekorb. Ein Hundebett ist bereits gepolstert, w?hrend ein Hundekorb mit einer Decke und vielleicht einem Kissen ausgestattet werden sollte. M?chtest du bereits jetzt eine Liegest?tte kaufen, die auch f?r den ausgewachsenen Hund ausreichend ist, solltest du sie so ausw?hlen, dass er sich in jedem Fall ausstrecken kann. Da sich dein Welpe in einem gro?en Korb wahrscheinlich etwas verloren vorkommt, empfehlen sich f?r den Anfang zus?tzliche Decken und Kissen. Alles sollte waschbar sein, denn gerade bei Welpen muss mit dem einen oder anderen Malheur gerechnet werden.

Welpen lieben Spielzeug

Zur Erstausstattung geh?rt selbstverst?ndlich auch allerlei Spielzeug. Das ist wichtig f?r Welpen, denn auf dieses k?nnen sie sich spielerisch st?rzen, es umherschleudern, abtransportieren oder gen?sslich darauf herumkauen. Das f?rdert ihren Bewegungsablauf, sorgt f?r Muskeln, besch?ftigt sie und befriedigt ihren Jagd- und Kautrieb. Da sie sehr spitze Z?hne haben, solltest du auf billiges Plastikspielzeug, welches schnell kaputt geht, verzichten. Ideal sind stabiles Wurfspielzeug, Taue und Kuscheltiere, die gut vern?ht sind.

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Grooming supplies for puppies

The amount of care required for a dog can vary greatly depending on the structure of the coat. A grooming glove is often sufficient for a short-haired dog, while a long-haired dog requires a comb and brush for grooming. It's also good to have dog shampoo on hand in case your dog should wallow in something smelly. In addition, it is necessary for many dogs to cut their claws regularly. Special claw scissors should be used for this. If you are unsure how much you can shorten the claws, consult your vet here. With dark claws in particular, it can be difficult to assess how much can be shortened without injuries.

Shopping list for a successful start in a life together with your dog:

  • Lining
  • Transport box and / or seat belt
  • Leash, harness, collar
  • Water bowl, feeding bowl
  • Dog bed or dog basket
  • Puppy toy
  • Comb, brush
  • Dog shampoo, clippers
  • Feces bag, tick tongs
  • Treats, chews
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