While some dog owners feed their dog a vegetarian diet, others only feed their four-legged friend meat.
However, many move between these two extreme diets and you may also be wondering how much meat your dog really needs. Here you can find out what a balanced diet looks like for the dog and what role the meat content plays.
"The dog needs meat!" - You have probably heard this sentence from other dog owners, It is correct that the dog descends from the wolf and that wolves largely feed on meat. But it is also correct that today's domestic dogs are no longer wolves. Because between the development from wolf to dog there are many tens of thousands of years in which the organism has adapted to other circumstances and needs. Especially when it comes to energy requirements, most dogs differ signifcantly from their common ancestor. Your dog may not need to travel 50 kilometers a day to roam its territory or search for prey. A typical family dog rarely runs more than seven to eight kilometers a day. Therefore, your dog usually needs a moderate energy supply with less fat and more protein. What is particularly important here is a balanced ratio of meat, carbohydrates and fiber.
We at Happy Dog pay attention to a versatile supply with high-quality, animal proteins from meat and offal. With regard to protein, your dog gets his money's worth: The proportion of pure animal protein in Happy Dog dry food is up to 90 percent of the total protein, significantly higher than in dog food from many other manufacturers. To ensure that your dog gets a balanced meat meal, we supplement it with the optimal amount of carbohydrates from potatoes or cereals, important fber and vital vitamins and minerals, We take nature as a role model and based on the lineage of the dog from the wolf, the Happy Dog Natural Life Concept was developed and adapted to the requirements of the modern dog. Scientifcally proven, it offers the dog a nutritionally meaningful combination of all vital nutrients, In this way, metabolism and the entire organism are optimally and appropriately supported. For this reason, we also add natural products such as herbs, apple, mussel or linseed to our feed, because we at Happy Dog want to offer your dog the prerequisites for a long and vital dog life.
Did you know that the term meat content is not scientifcally defned? This leads to signifcantly different declarations on the packaging, But how does it come about? In addition to the underlying amount (pure meat or total amount of fresh animal ingredients), the decisive factor in the percentage of meat content is whether fresh meat or dried raw materials are used. Fresh meat and offal consist of 70% water on average. Most of the water is removed by heating during the production of dried meat. This leaves about 30% dried meat. This can be transported and stored in a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way. When processing fresh meat, it is processed immediately without a previous drying process. The water content of the meat is only removed during the dry food production process. Serious information on animal feed defines the "meat content" as the proportion of animal protein in the total protein of dog food.
It quickly becomes clear why it is diffcult for you to compare the specified meat proportions, In the case of dog food, which is based on dried raw materials, the percentage of meat is signifcantly lower. Because dried meat has an extremely low water content. Even f only fresh ingredients are used in the production of the dog food, only the dried portion remains in the end. So that you can compare dog food from different manufacturers with regard to the proportion of animal protein, the dried proportion would have to be declared uniformly. Especially with dry dog food, the manufacturers can use different values for the declaration of the ingredients. Then, at first glance, it may seem that a certain dog food has more meat than another product. On the one hand, what is called meat is decisive; is it pure meat or the total amount of fresh ingredients from the animal? On the other hand, it is relevant whether the ingredients are processed fresh or dried. At Happy Dog we only mention the real proportion of dried meat. Thus, the meat content in our products is actually much higher than it seems at first glance.
We use meat and nutrient-rich offal from freshly slaughtered and food-grade animals for our pet food. We pay attention to the best quality in our animal raw material sources, It is important for the dog that the proportion of animal proteins or meat is signifcantly higher than the proportion of vegetable proteins, Happy Dog's share of animal protein is up to 90% of the total protein. Discover the variety of Happy Dog dry foods here .